Breast Implant Surgery in Chandigarh
For many women, breast size is an important part of feeling good, desirable and normal. With the current trend of looking slim and losing weight, breast size becomes the casualty as fat is also lost from breasts giving them smaller, sagging appearance. Having a breast augmentation procedure can greatly improve self-esteem for many women. Breast enlargement or Breast Augmentation in India is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures today. It can dramatically improve the appearance of a woman's breasts.
Q: Who are the ideal candidates for surgery and how is it planned?
A: Breast enhancement or augmentation is currently one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures in India. It can dramatically improve the appearance and size of a woman's breasts. Breast augmentation is performed for a variety of reasons. The enhancement procedure is used to enlarge smaller breasts, underdeveloped breasts or breasts that have shrunk in size after breastfeeding and to balance a difference in breast size. The breast implants are also used in reconstructive technique following breast carcinoma surgery.
Before surgery, you may try some different size breast sizers in a bra to give you an idea as to the look you achieve after surgery. Approx. 300cc volume implant can enhance breast by two cup size i.e. from Cup B to Cup D size and accordingly implant size is selected. Often a mammogram (X-Ray) is done pre-operatively. Silicone cohesive gel implants with the textured surface are most preferred implants as they are almost leak proof and give a very natural appearance and feel. The saline implants are prone to leakage and due to the lower density of saline; the feel is also less natural. The saline implants also tend to change shape with body position while this is not the case with thicker gel implants. To know more about Breast Implant in India, consult the expert breast augmentation surgeon at AntiClock Clinic.
Q: How is surgery performed?
A: The method of inserting and positioning your implant will depend on your anatomy and your Plastic surgeon's recommendation. The incision can be made either in the crease where the breast meets the chest, around the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple) or in the armpit. After the incision is made a pocket is created under the breast tissue or beneath the chest wall muscle. The implant is securely positioned in the pocket and small sutures are used to close the incision.
Q: What type of anesthesia is used in the surgery?
A: Breast augmentation surgery is performed using general anesthesia provided by an experienced anesthesiologist.
Q: How much time does surgery take?
A: The surgery takes approx. two hours.
Q: What are the precautions and postoperative care after surgery?
A: You're likely to feel sore for a few days surgery, but you'll be up and around in 24 to 48 hours. Most of your discomfort can be controlled by oral medication. These symptoms should subside in a short time. After Breast Augmentation surgery, Antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed during the first 4 days for quick and pain-free healing. For the first two weeks after surgery, rigorous activity should be avoided. A compression garment or sports bra is advised for 2-3 weeks. Stitches are removed after 7 days. In 2-3 weeks, one can resume most of the normal activities. You should be able to return to work within a few days. Regular physical activity may be resumed in 4-6 weeks.
Q: What are the risks or complications from this surgery?
A: Risks and complications with this surgery are minimal. Swelling and bruising are common with Breast Augmentation surgery and there is a minimum risk of infection. Breast implant surgery in the hands of an experienced Plastic surgeon is a very safe procedure with minimal risks or side effects.
Breast implants are very safe. There is no evidence that breast implants increase the risk of breast cancer. Most women can also safely breastfeed after augmentation surgery. Currently used cohesive gel implants give a very natural feel and also chances of implant rupture are extremely low.
Following cosmetic breast surgery, you will enjoy a new, more pleasing shape, with breasts that are in better proportion to your physique and getting used to a new figure can be a satisfying and even exciting experience for you.
Q: How are the types of Breast implants selected?
A: Breast implants come in various types depending on the shape, size, material and surface characteristics, however, all implants share the same basic components of having an outer shell and inner filler material enclosed in it. The outer shell is typically either smooth or textured and is made from a tough silicone material. The textured implants are supposed to have less incidence of capsule formation and have become more popular these days.
The two common types of implant filler material used are either a Saline solution or a Silicone Gel. Silicone cohesive gel implants are the most preferred implants as they are almost leak proof and give a very natural appearance and feel. The saline implants are prone to leakage and due to the lower density of saline; the feel is also less natural. The saline implants also tend to change shape with body position while this is not the case with thicker gel implants.
As far as the shape is concerned, breast implants come in two shapes, round or anatomical or teardrop shape. The advantage of a round implant is that if it rotates in the pocket created fro implant, it is not noticed as a round implant just rotates on its axis. Anatomical implants give somewhat more natural look but can rotate if the surgical pocket created for implant does not hold them in place. This results in the unnatural shape of breasts.
Implants come in various sizes starting from 150cc to 800 cc or even more. The best way to select the size of an implant is to try some different size breast sizers in a bra to give you an idea as to the look you achieve after surgery. This method helps patients to choose the size of implants. Another way to estimate the required size is that approx. 300 cc volume implant can enhance breast by two cup size i.e. from Cup B to Cup D size and accordingly implant size is selected. Currently commonly used implants are Silicone Cohesive gel implants, Round shaped with Textured surface available in various sizes.
Meet the Best Breast Implant Surgeon in Chandigarh, Punjab at AntiClock Clinic, to know which implants are best based on one’s anatomy, body type and body responses.
Q: How much time does Breast Augmentation surgery take?
A: Breast Augmentation surgery takes about 2 hours. The patient can be discharged in the evening or a one-day hospitalization is advised. Suction drain, if placed, is removed after 24 hrs.