Global trainers meet for learning new perspective about training in facial aesthetics with a theme Tailoring the art of training.
Lip and lower face Masterclass training by Dr. K. M. Kapoor for the top Trainers of the Philippines at Manila.

Dr. Kapoor was also a panelist on training module on facial anatomy along with Dr. Woffles Wu from Singapore and Dr. Stefania Roberts from Australia pic
At St George’s university of London for training the top doctors from all over the world about facial anatomy in relation to facial aesthetic procedures! working in the same lab, from where the most popular anatomy textbook, Gray’s Anatomy, originated. Being at a place, where Dr. Henry Gray compiled this amazing work of knowledge, itself was a great experience. On top of that, working with such accomplished team members Dr. Andre Braz, Lakhdar Bilhouri and Eqram Rehman,was the additional reward.

Dr. K. M. Kapoor was an invited speaker and a panelist in the main event with the top thought leaders Dr. Arthur Swiftfrom Canada, Dr. Andre Braz from Brazil, Dr. Marva Safa from Switzerland and Dr. Massimo Signirini from Italy
Lip and lower face Masterclass training by Dr. K. M. Kapoor for doctors in Phillippines.

Dr K M Kapoor was an invited speaker at AMWC Asia 2018 and TDAC 2018 meet at Taipei, Taiwan
Lip and lower face Masterclass training by Dr. K. M. Kapoor for the doctors of Aivee chain of Clinics at Manila.

Dr. K. M. Kapoor was with Dr Rungsima from Thailand during pre-conference workshop
Lip and lower face Masterclass training by Dr. K. M. Kapoor for the doctors at the biggest aesthetic chain clinic in Philippines, Belo Clinics, at Manila.